
Home of the behavior ecology and venom lab.


   Dreslik, M. J., W. K. Hayes, S. J. Beaupre, and S. P. Mackessy (eds.). 2017. The Biology of Rattlesnakes II. Eco Publishing, Rodeo, New Mexico.

   Hayes, W. K., K. R. Beaman, M. D. Cardwell, and S. P. Bush (eds.). 2008. The Biology of Rattlesnakes. Loma Linda University Press, Loma Linda, California.

   Rathke, B. J., and W. K. Hayes (eds.). 2007. Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on the Natural History of the Bahamas. Gerace Research Centre, San Salvador, The Bahamas.

   Alberts, A. A., R. L. Carter, W. K. Hayes, and E. P. Martins (eds.). 2004. Iguanas: Biology and Conservation. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.


   Hayes, W. K. 2023. Toxungen. Scholarly Community Encyclopedia.

   Wyatt, K. M. and W. K. Hayes. 2023. Myths, magic, and modern medicine: A concise history of snakebite treatment. Pp. 15-18 in: Ashley, B., C. F. Smith, and G. W. Schuett. A Photographic History of Snakebite Treatments. Bad Medicine—Snake Oils, Potions, Elixirs and Kits. ECO Publishing, Rodeo, New Mexico.

   Hayes, W. K. 2022. Toxungen. Wikipedia.

   Travis, Z. D., P. Sherchan, W. K. Hayes, and J. H. Zhang. 2019. Surgically-induced brain injury: Where are we now? Chinese Neurological Journal 5:29.

   Kim, C. H., D. W. McBride, R. Raval, P. Sherchan, K. L. Hay, E. C. K. Gren, W. Kelln, T. Lekic, W. K. Hayes, B. S. Bull, R. Applegate II, J. Tang, and J. H. Zhang. 2017. Crotalus atrox venom preconditioning increases plasma fibrinogen and reduces perioperative hemorrhage in a rat model of surgical brain injury. Scientific Reports 7:40821. DOI: 10.1038/srep40821.

   Kim, C. H., D. W. McBride, P. Sherchan, C. E. Person, E. C. K. Gren, W. Kelln, T. Lekic, W. K. Hayes, J. Tang, and J. H. Zhang. 2017. Crotalus helleri venom preconditioning reduces postoperative cerebral edema and improves neurological outcomes after surgical brain injury. Neurobiology of Disease 107:66­–72.

   Karain, B. D., M. K. H. Lee, and W. K. Hayes. 2016. C60 fullerenes as a novel treatment for poisoning and envenomation: A proof-of-concept study for snakebite. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 16:1–8.

   Nelsen, D. R., Z. Nisani, A. M. Cooper, G. A. Fox, E. C. K. Gren, A. G. Corbit, and W. K. Hayes. 2014. Poisons, toxungens, and venoms: redefining and classifying toxic biological secretions and the organisms that employ them. Biological Reviews 89:450–465.

   Herbert, S. S., and W. K. Hayes. 2009. Denim clothing reduces venom expenditure by rattlesnakes striking defensively at model human limbs. Annals of Emergency Medicine 54:830–836.

   Hayes, W. K., and S. S. Herbert. 2010. In reply: Denim, rattlesnakes, and evidence-based scouting (Letter to the Editor by R. J. Hoffman). Annals of Emergency Medicine 56:74–75.

   Hayes, W. K., and S. P. Mackessy. 2010. Sensationalistic journalism and tales of snakebite: are rattlesnakes evolving more toxic venom? Wilderness and Environmental Medicine 21:35–45.

   Corbett, S. W., B. Anderson, B. Nelson, S. Bush, W. K. Hayes, and M. D. Cardwell. 2005. Most lay people can correctly identify indigenous venomous snakes. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 23:759–762.

   Bush, S. P., S. M. Green, T. A. Laack, W. K. Hayes, M. D. Cardwell, and D. A. Tanen. 2004. Pressure immobilization delays mortality and increases intracompartmental pressure after artificial intramuscular rattlesnake envenomation in a porcine model. Annals of Emergency Medicine 44:599–604.

   Hayes, W. K. and F. E. Hayes. 1985. Human envenomation from the bite of the Eastern Garter Snake, Thamnophis s. sirtalis (Serpentes: Colubridae). Toxicon 23:719–721.


   Hayes, W. K., Person, C. E., Fox, G. A., King, J. L., Briggs, E., and Gren, E. C. 2024. Paradoxical exception to island tameness: Increased defensiveness in an insular population of rattlesnakes. Toxins, 16, 157.

   Martin, C. E., Fox, G. A., Putman, B. J., and Hayes, W. K. 2023. Social security: Can rattlesnakes reduce acute stress through social buffering? Frontiers in Ethology 2:1181774.

   Corbit, A. G., and W. K. Hayes. 2022. Human–wildlife conflict at a suburban–wildlands interface: Effects of short- and long-distance translocations on Red Diamond Rattlesnake (Crotalus ruber) activity and survival. Diversity 14:130.

   Cochran, C., K. L. Edwards, Z. D. Travis, L. R. Pompe, and W. K. Hayes. 2021. Diet and feeding frequency in the Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake (Crotalus pyrrhus): ontogenetic, sexual, geographic, and seasonal variation. Journal of Herpetology 55:77–87.

   Hayes, W. K. 2021. Coexisting with rattlesnakes and avoiding a painful experience. Idyllwild Town Crier, 17 June 2021, pg. A3.

   Hayes, W. K., G. A. Fox, and D.  R. Nelsen. 2020. Venom collection from spiders and snakes: voluntary and involuntary extractions (“milking”) and venom gland extractions. Pp. 53­­–71 in Priel, A. (Ed.), Snake and Spider Toxins: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology volume 2068. Springer, Berlin.

   Johnson, S., and W. K. Hayes. 2020. An improved approach to measuring sexual dimorphism in snakes: morphological variation in the Bahamian racer (Cubophis vudii vudii). IRCF Reptiles and Amphibians 27:137–146.

   McBride, D. W., E. C. Gren, W. Kelln, W. K. Hayes, and J. H. Zhang. 2020. Crotalus atrox disintegrin reduces hemorrhagic transformation by attenuating matrix metalloproteinase‐9 activity after middle cerebral artery occlusion in hyperglycemic male rats. Journal of Neuroscience Research 98:191–200.

   Cochran, C., S. Hax, and W. K. Hayes. 2019. Case reports of envenomation and venom composition differences between two Arizona populations of the Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake, Crotalus pyrrhus (Cope, 1867). Toxicon 171:29-34.

   Zancolli, G., J. J. Calvete, M. D. Cardwell, H. W. Greene, W. K. Hayes, M. J. Hegarty, H.-W. Herrmann, A. T. Holycross, D. I. Lannutti, J. F. Mulley, L. Sanz, Z. D. Travis, J. R. Whorley, C. E. Wuster, and W. Wuster. 2019. When one phenotype is not enough: divergent evolutionary trajectories govern venom variation in a widespread rattlesnake species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286:20182735.

   Beaman, K. R., and W. K. Hayes. 2017. Annotated checklist of the rattlesnakes (second edition). Pp. 13–21 in Dreslik, M. J., W. K. Hayes, S. J. Beaupre, and S. P. Mackessy (Eds.), The Biology of Rattlesnakes II. Eco Publishing, Rodeo, New Mexico.

   Dugan, E. A., and W. K. Hayes. 2017. Differential niche use but negligible niche partitioning between the sympatric rattlesnakes Crotalus ruber and C. helleri in southern California. Pp. 179–195 in Dreslik, M. J., W. K. Hayes, S. J. Beaupre, and S. P. Mackessy (Eds.), The Biology of Rattlesnakes II. Eco Publishing, Rodeo, New Mexico.

   Dreslik, M. J., W. K. Hayes, S. J. Beaupre, and S. P. Mackessy. 2017. Introduction [to volume]. Pp. 1–4 in Dreslik, M. J., W. K. Hayes, S. J. Beaupre, and S. P. Mackessy (Eds.), The Biology of Rattlesnakes II. Eco Publishing, Rodeo, New Mexico.

   Gren, E. C. K., W. Kelln, C. Person, J. G. McCabe, R. Kornhauser, A. J. Hart, K. Erbas-White, L. R. Pompe, and W. K. Hayes. 2017. Geographic variation of venom composition and neurotoxicity in the rattlesnakes Crotalus oreganus and C. helleri: Assessing the potential roles of selection and neutral evolutionary processes in shaping venom variation. Pp. 228–252 in Dreslik, M. J., W. K. Hayes, S. J. Beaupre, and S. P. Mackessy (Eds.), The Biology of Rattlesnakes II. Eco Publishing, Rodeo, New Mexico.

   Hayes, W. K. 2017. Book review: Rattlesnakes of Arizona, Volume 2: Conservation, Behavior, Venom, and Evolution. Herpetological Review 48:870–873.

   Hayes, W. K., A. G. Corbit, M. D. Cardwell, and S. S. Herbert. 2017. Inter-fang distances of rattlesnakes: sexual, interspecific, and body size-related variation, and implications for snakebite research and management. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine 28:101-107.

   Hayes, W. K. and S. P. Mackessy. 2017. In memorium: David A. Chiszar (1944–2013). Pp. 5–7 in Dreslik, M. J., W. K. Hayes, S. J. Beaupre, and S. P. Mackessy (Eds.), The Biology of Rattlesnakes II. Eco Publishing, Rodeo, New Mexico.

   Beaman, K. R., E. A. Dugan, and W. K. Hayes. 2014. Coluber (= Masticophis) flagellum (Coachwhip). Diet/ophiophagy. Herpetological Review 45:513.

   Corbit, A. G., C. Person, and W. K. Hayes. 2014. Constipation associated with brumation? Intestinal obstruction caused by a fecalith in a wild Red Diamond Rattlesnake (Crotalus ruber). Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 98:96–99.

   Sunagar, K., E. A. B. Undheim, H. Scheib, E. C. K. Gren, C. Cochran, C. E. Person, I. Koludarov, W. Kelln, W. K. Hayes, G. F. King, A. Antunes, B. G. Fry. 2014. Intraspecific venom variation in the medically significant Southern Pacific Rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus helleri): biodiscovery, clinical and evolutionary implications. Journal of Proteomics 99:68–83.

   Dugan, E. A., and W. K. Hayes. 2012. Diet and feeding ecology of the Red Diamond Rattlesnake, Crotalus ruber (Serpentes: Viperidae). Herpetologica 68:203–217.

   Hayes, W. K. 2011. Exploring the secret lives of the world’s most studied snake group: A second Biology of the Rattlesnakes Symposium. Herpetological Review 42:472­–473.

   Hayes, W. K., and S. S. Herbert. 2010. In reply: Denim, rattlesnakes, and evidence-based scouting (Letter to the Editor by R. J. Hoffman). Annals of Emergency Medicine 56:74–75.

   Hayes, W. K., and S. P. Mackessy. 2010. Sensationalistic journalism and tales of snakebite: are rattlesnakes evolving more toxic venom? Wilderness and Environmental Medicine 21:35–45.

   Herbert, S. S., and W. K. Hayes. 2009. Denim clothing reduces venom expenditure by rattlesnakes striking defensively at model human limbs. Annals of Emergency Medicine 54:830–836.

   Beaman, K. R., and W. K. Hayes. 2008. Rattlesnakes: research trends and annotated checklist. Pp. 5–16 in W. K. Hayes, K. R. Beaman, M. D. Cardwell, and S. P. Bush (eds.), The Biology of Rattlesnakes. Loma Linda University Press, Loma Linda, California.

   Dugan, E. A., A. Figueroa, and W. K. Hayes. 2008. Home range size, movements, and mating phenology of sympatric Red Diamond (Crotalus ruber) and Southern Pacific (Crotalus oreganus helleri) Rattlesnakes in southern California. Pp. 353–364 in W. K. Hayes, K. R. Beaman, M. D. Cardwell, and S. P. Bush (eds.), The Biology of Rattlesnakes. Loma Linda University Press, Loma Linda, California.

   Figueroa, A., E. A. Dugan, and W. K. Hayes. 2008. Behavioral ecology of neonate Southern Pacific Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus helleri) tracked with externally-attached transmitters. Pp. 365–376 in W. K. Hayes, K. R. Beaman, M. D. Cardwell, and S. P. Bush (eds.), The Biology of Rattlesnakes. Loma Linda University Press, Loma Linda, California.

   Hayes, W. K. 2008. The snake venom-metering controversy: levels of analysis, assumptions, and evidence. Pp. 191–220 in W. K. Hayes, K. R. Beaman, M. D. Cardwell, and S. P. Bush (eds.), The Biology of Rattlesnakes. Loma Linda University Press, Loma Linda, California.

   Hayes, W. K., K. R. Beaman, M. D. Cardwell, and S. P. Bush. 2008. Introduction. Pp. 1–4 in W. K. Hayes, K. R. Beaman, M. D. Cardwell, and S. P. Bush (eds.), The Biology of Rattlesnakes. Loma Linda University Press, Loma Linda, California.

   Hayes, W. K., S. S. Herbert, J. R. Harrison, and K. L. Wiley. 2008. Spitting versus biting: differential venom gland contraction regulates venom expenditure in the Black‑necked Spitting Cobra, Naja nigricollis nigricollis. Journal of Herpetology 42:453–460.

   Herbert, S. S., and W. K. Hayes. 2008. Venom expenditure by rattlesnakes and killing effectiveness in rodent prey: do rattlesnakes expend optimal amounts of venom? Pp. 221–228 in W. K. Hayes, K. R. Beaman, M. D. Cardwell, and S. P. Bush (eds.), The Biology of Rattlesnakes. Loma Linda University Press, Loma Linda, California.

   Ashton, R., R. Chance, R. Franz, J. D. Groves, J. D. Hardy, Jr., H. S. Harris, Jr., W. Hayes, W. Hildebrand, D. S. Lee, R. Miller, W. S. Sipple, R. Stanley, C. J. Stine, and R. G. Tuck, Jr. 2007. Delusions of science: concerns regarding the unwarranted introduction of Pine Snakes to the Delmarva Peninsula of Maryland. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 43:147–158.

   Gennaro, J. F., H. P. Hall, E. R. Casey, and W. K. Hayes. 2007. Neurotropic effects of venoms and other factors that promote prey acquisition. Journal of Experimental Zoology 307A:488–499.

   Jurado, J. D., E. D. Rael, C. S. Lieb, E. Nakayasu, W. K. Hayes, S. P. Bush, and J. A. Ross. 2007. Complement inactivating proteins and intraspecies venom variation in Crotalus oreganus helleri. Toxicon 49:339–350.

   French, W. J., W. K. Hayes, S. P. Bush, M. D. Cardwell, J. O. Bader, and E. Rael. 2004. Mojave toxin in venom of Crotalus helleri (Southern Pacific Rattlesnake): molecular and geographic characterization. Toxicon 44:781–791.

   Bush, S. P., S. M. Green, J. A. Moynihan, W. K. Hayes, and M. D. Cardwell. 2002. Crotalidae polyvalent immune Fab (ovine) antivenom is efficacious for envenomations by Southern Pacific Rattlesnakes. Annals of Emergency Medicine 40:619–624.

   Hayes, W. K., S. S. Herbert, G. C. Rehling, and J. F. Gennaro. 2002. Factors that influence venom expenditure in viperids and other snake species during predatory and defensive contexts. Pp. 207–233 in: G. W. Schuett, M. Hoggren, M. E. Douglas, and H. W. Greene (eds.), Biology of the Vipers. Eagle Mountain Publ., Eagle Mountain, Utah.

   Bush, S. P., K. G. Hegewald, S. M. Green, M. D. Cardwell, and W. K. Hayes. 2000. Effects of a negative pressure venom extraction device (Extractor) on local tissue injury after artificial rattlesnake envenomation in a porcine model. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine 11:180–188.

   Hayes, W. K. 1995. Venom metering by juvenile Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis): effects of prey size and experience. Animal Behavior 50:33–40.

   Hayes, W. K., P. A. Lavin-Murcio, and K. V. Kardong. 1995. Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes meter venom when feeding on prey of different sizes. Copeia 1995:337–343.

   Hayes, W. K., E. A. Verde, and F. E. Hayes. 1994. Cardiac responses during courtship, male-male fighting and other activities in rattlesnakes. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 69:7–9.

   Hayes, W. K. 1993. Effects of hunger on striking, prey-handling, and venom expenditure of Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis). Herpetologica 49:305–310.

   Hayes, W. K. and D. M. Hayes. 1993. Stimuli influencing the release and aim of predatory strikes of the Northern Pacific Rattlesnake, Crotalus v. viridis. Northwestern Naturalist 74:1–9.

   Hayes, W. K., P.A. Lavin-Murcio, and K.V. Kardong. 1993. Delivery of Duvernoy’s secretion into prey by the Brown Tree Snake, Boiga irregularis (Serpentes: Colubridae). Toxicon 31:881–887.

   Schmidt, D. F., W. K. Hayes, and F. E. Hayes. 1993. The influence of prey movement on the aim of predatory strikes in the rattlesnake, Crotalus viridis. Great Basin Naturalist 53:203–206.

   Hayes, W. K. 1992. Prey‑handling and envenomation strategies of Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis) feeding on mice and sparrows. Journal of Herpetology 26:496–499.

   Hayes, W. K. 1992. Factors associated with the mass of venom expended by Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis) feeding on mice. Toxicon 30:449–460.

   Hayes, W. K., D. Duvall, and G. W. Schuett. 1992. A preliminary report on the courtship behavior of free-ranging Prairie Rattlesnakes, Crotalus v. viridis (Rafinesque), in southcentral Wyoming. Pp. 45–48 in: Strimple, P. D. and J. L. Strimple (eds)., Contributions in Herpetology. Greater Cincinnati Herpetological Society, Cincinnati, Ohio.

   Hayes, W. K., I. I. Kaiser, and D. Duvall. 1992. The mass of venom expended by Prairie Rattlesnakes when feeding on rodent prey. Pp. 383–388 in: Campbell, J. A. and E. D. Brodie, Jr. (eds.), Biology of the Pitvipers. Selva Publ., Tyler, Texas.

   Hayes, W. K. 1991. Ontogeny of striking, prey‑handling and envenomation behavior of Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis). Toxicon 29:867–875.

   Hayes, W. K. and D. Duvall. 1991. A field study of Prairie Rattlesnake predatory strikes. Herpetologica 47:78–81.

   Duvall, D., D. Chiszar, W. K. Hayes, J. Leonhardt, and M. J. Goode. 1990. Chemical and behavioral ecology of foraging in Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis viridis). Journal of Chemical Ecology 16:87–101.

   Hayes, W. K., D. Duvall, W. A. Gern, and G. T. Baxter. 1990. Geographical distribution: Tantilla nigricep nigriceps: Wyoming. Herpetological Review 21:24.

   Duvall, D., M. J. Goode, W. K. Hayes, J. K. Leonhardt, and D. Brown. 1990. Prairie Rattlesnake vernal migration: field experimental analyses and survival value in spring. National Geographic Research 6:457–469.

   Hayes, W. K. 1986. Observations of courtship in the rattlesnake, Crotalus viridis oreganus. Journal of Herpetology 20:246–249.

   Hayes, W. K. and J. G. Galusha. 1984. Effects of rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis oreganus) envenomation upon mobility of male wild and laboratory mice (Mus musculus). Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 20:135–144.


   Hayes, W. K., G. A. Fox, and D.  R. Nelsen. 2020. Venom collection from spiders and snakes: voluntary and involuntary extractions (“milking”) and venom gland extractions. Pp. 53­­–71 in Priel, A. (Ed.), Snake and Spider Toxins: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology volume 2068. Springer, Berlin.

   Cooper, A. M., D. R. Nelsen, and W. K. Hayes. 2017. The strategic use of venom by spiders. In P. Gopalakrishnakone and A. Malhotra (eds.), Evolution of Venomous Animals and Their Toxins. Toxinology series. Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht, Netherlands. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6727-0_13-1.

   Eshun, O., A. Gerry, and W. K. Hayes. 2016. Mosquito capture rate using CO2-baited traps in relation to distance from water and height: Implications for avian disease transmission. Journal of Medical Entomology 53:1378–1384.

   Fox, G. A., A. M. Cooper, and W. K. Hayes. 2015. The dilemma of choosing a reference character for measuring sexual size dimorphism, sexual body component dimorphism, and character scaling: cryptic dimorphism and allometry in the scorpion Hadrurus arizonensis. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0120392. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0120392.

   Nisani, Z., and W. K. Hayes. 2015. Venom-spraying behavior of the scorpion Parabuthus transvaalicus (Arachnida: Buthidae). Behavioural Processes 115:46–52.

   Cooper, A. M., W. J. Kelln, and W. K. Hayes. 2014. Venom regeneration in the centipede Scolopendra polymorpha: evidence for asynchronous venom component synthesis. Zoology 117:398–414.

   Cooper, A. M., G. A. Fox, D. R. Nelsen, W. K. Hayes. 2014. Variation in venom yield and protein concentration of the centipedes Scolopendra polymorpha and S. subspinipes. Toxicon 82:30–51.

   Nelsen, D. R, and W. K. Hayes. 2014. Poke but don’t pinch: risk assessment and venom metering in the Western Black Widow Spider (Latrodectus hesperus). Animal Behavior 89:107–114.

   Nisani, Z., D. S. Boskovic, S. G. Dunbar, W. Kelln, and W. K. Hayes. 2012. Investigating the chemical profile of regenerated scorpion (Parabuthus transvaalicus) venom in relation to metabolic cost and toxicity. Toxicon 60:315–323.

   Nisani, Z., and W. K. Hayes. 2011. Defensive stinging by Parabuthus transvaalicus scorpions: risk assessment and venom metering. Animal Behavior 81:627–633.

   Nisani, Z., S. G. Dunbar, and W. K. Hayes. 2007. Cost of venom regeneration in Parabuthus transvaalicus (Arachnida: Buthidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 147A:509–513.


   Kishbaugh, J., D. Tunseth, N. P. Lung, K. Hope, W. K. Hayes, L.-A. C. Hayek, S. Murray. 2020. Hematologic and biochemical ranges and health assessments of free-ranging San Salvador Iguanas (Cyclura rileyi rileyi) in a translocation program. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 30:1–10.

   Hayes, W. K., S. Cyril Jr., T. Crutchfield, J. A. Wasilewski, T. A. Rothfus, and R. L. Carter. 2016. Conservation of the endangered San Salvador Rock Iguanas (Cyclura rileyi rileyi): population estimation, invasive species control, translocation, and headstarting. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11 (Monograph 6):90–105.

   Hayes, W. K., R. A. Escobar III, S. K. Fry, E. M. Fortune, J. A. Wasilewski, D. M. Tuttle, K. S. West, J. B. Iverson, S. D. Buckner, and R. L. Carter. 2016. Conservation of the endangered Sandy Cay Rock Iguanas (Cyclura rileyi cristata): invasive species control, population response, pirates, poaching, and translocation. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11 (Monograph 6):106–120.

   Hayes, W. K., J. B. Iverson, C. R. Knapp, and R. L. Carter. 2012. Do invasive rodents impact endangered insular iguana populations? Biodiversity and Conservation 21:1893–1899.

   Lovich, R. E., W. K. Hayes, H. Mushinsky, and G. H. Rodda. 2012. Transect surveys, including line distance. Pp. 227–234 in R. W. McDiarmid, M. S. Foster, C. Guyer, J. W. Gibbons, and N. Chernoff (eds.), Reptile Biodiversity: Standard Methods for Inventory and Monitoring. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.

   Hillbrand, P. A., A. T. Sloan, and W. K. Hayes. 2011. The terrestrial reptiles of San Salvador Island, Bahamas. IRCF Reptiles and Amphibians 18(3):29–40.

   Escobar, R. A., III, E. Besier, and W. K. Hayes. 2010. Evaluating headstarting as a management tool: post-release success of Green Iguanas (Iguana iguana) in Costa Rica. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 2:204–214.

   Harless, M. L., A. D. Walde, D. K. Delaney, L. L. Pater, and W. K. Hayes. 2010. Sampling considerations for improving home range estimates of Desert Tortoises: effects of estimator, sampling regime, and sex. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 5:374–387.

   Harless, M. L., A. D. Walde, D. K. Delaney, L. L. Pater, and W. K. Hayes. 2009. Home range, spatial overlap, and burrow use of the Desert Tortoise in the west Mojave Desert. Copeia 2009:378–389.

   Revell, T. K., and W. K. Hayes. 2009. Desert Iguanas (Dipsosaurus dorsalis) sleep less when in close proximity to a rattlesnake predator (Crotalus cerastes). Journal of Herpetology 43:29–37.

   Hayes, W. K. and R. L. Carter. 2005. Biology and conservation of Cyclura rileyi, an endangered Bahamian rock iguana. Pp. 69–82 in: T. McGrath and S. Buckner (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on the Natural History of the Bahamas. Gerace Research Centre, San Salvador Island, Bahamas.

   Alberts, A. C., R. L. Carter, W. K. Hayes, and E. P. Martins. 2004. Preface. Pp. xv–xvi in: A. C. Alberts, R. L. Carter, W. K. Hayes, and E. P. Martins (eds.), Iguanas: Biology and Conservation. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley.

   Carter, R. L. and W. K. Hayes. 2004. Introduction (to Diversity section). Pp. 15–17 in: A. C. Alberts, R. L. Carter, W. K. Hayes, and E. P. Martins (eds.), Iguanas: Biology and Conservation. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley.

   Carter, R. L., and W. K. Hayes. 2004. Cyclura riley nuchalis. In: IUCN 2004. 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

   Carter, R. L., and W. K. Hayes. 2004. Cyclura rileyi rileyi. In: IUCN 2004. 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

   Carter, R. L. and W. K. Hayes. 2004. Conservation of an endangered Bahamian iguana. II. Morphological variation and conservation recommendations. Pp. 258–273 in: A. C. Alberts, R. L. Carter, W. K. Hayes, and E. P. Martins (eds.), Iguanas: Biology and Conservation. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley.

   Hayes, W. K., R. L. Carter, S. Cyril, and B. Thornton. 2004. Conservation of an endangered Bahamian iguana. I. Population assessments, habitat restoration, and behavioral ecology. Pp. 232–257 in: A. C. Alberts, R. L. Carter, W. K. Hayes, and E. P. Martins (eds.), Iguanas: Biology and Conservation. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley.

   Hayes, W. K., R. L. Carter, M. Wikelski, and J. A. Sonnentag. 2004. Determinants of lek mating success in male Galapagos Marine Iguanas: behavior, body size, condition, ornamentation, ectoparasite load, and female choice. Pp. 127–147 in: A. C. Alberts, R. L. Carter, W. K. Hayes, and E. P. Martins (eds.), Iguanas: Biology and Conservation. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley.

   Hayes, W. K. 2003. Can San Salvador’s iguanas and seabirds be saved? Bahamas Journal of Science 11:2–8.

   Hayes, W. and R. Carter. 2000. Population monitoring. Pp. 79–85 in: A. Alberts (Ed.), West Indian Iguanas: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.

   Hayes, W., R. Carter, and N. Goodyear. 2000. Marking techniques. Pp. 77–79 in: A. Alberts (Ed.), West Indian Iguanas: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.

   Hayes, W. K. 2000. Foreword. Pp. xxv–xxvi in: Iguanas for Dummies, by Melissa Kaplan. IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., Foster City, California.

   Hayes, W. 2000. Species account: San Salvador Iguana, Cyclura rileyi rileyi. Pp. 56–59 in: A. Alberts (Ed.), West Indian Iguanas: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.

   Hayes, W. 2000. Species account: White Cay Iguana, Cyclura rileyi cristata. Pp. 59–60 in: A. Alberts (Ed.), West Indian Iguanas: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.

   Hayes, W. and R. Montanucci. 2000. Species account: Acklins Bight Iguana, Cyclura rileyi nuchalis. Pp. 60–62 in: A. Alberts (Ed.), West Indian Iguanas: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.

   Day, M., W. Hayes, K. Varnham, T. Ross, E. Carey, T. Ferguson, J. Monestine, S. Smith, C. Armstrong, A. Buckle, A. Alberts, and S. Buckner. 1998. Rat eradication to protect the White Cay Iguana. Aliens 8:22–24.

   Hayes, W. K. 1997. Research update: decline of the Sandy Cay Iguana. Iguana Times 6:31.

   Hayes, W. K. 1997. Letter to the editor (on Mayaguana Iguana article by John Bendon). Iguana Times 6:43.

   Fry, S. K., G. S. DeLay, and W. K. Hayes. 1997. Video reviews: Captive Care of the Green Iguana and Green Iguanas: The Video Guide to Care and Breeding. Iguana Times 6:14–15.

   Carter, R. L., and W. K. Hayes. 1996. Cyclura rileyi. In: IUCN 2003. 2003 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

   Carter, R. L., and W. K. Hayes. 1996. Cyclura riley cristata. In: IUCN 2003. 2003 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

   Hayes, W. K. 1996. Iguanas, salmonella, and herpetoculture: a conflict of interest…and conscience? Iguana Times 5:14–15.

   Hayes, W. K. 1995. What do wild Green Iguanas eat? Iguana Times 4:48–49.

   Hayes, W. K., D. M. Hayes, D. Brouhard, B. Goodge, and R. L. Carter. 1995. Population status and conservation of the endangered San Salvador Rock Iguana, Cyclura r. rileyi. Journal of the International Iguana Society 4:21–30.

   Hayes, F. E., W. K. Hayes, K. R. Beaman, and L. E. Harris. 1992. Sleep‑like behaviour in the Galapagos Tortoise (Geochelone elephantopus). Herpetology Journal 2:51–53.

   Hayes, F. E., K. R. Beaman, W. K. Hayes, and L. E. Harris, Jr. 1988. Defensive behavior in the Galapagos Tortoise (Geochelone elephantopus), with comments on the evolution of insular gigantism. Herpetologica 44:11–17.


   Hayes, F. E., S. Horvath, E. R. Thalman, D. G. Turner, Z. McKenzie, and W. K. Hayes. 2024. Avian use of drifting floating meadows on the central Amazon River of Brazil. Neotropical Naturalist 5:1–9.

   McKenzie, Z., M. P. Kumler, R. Ma, K. Williams, and W. K. Hayes. 2023. Eyes from the sky: Application of satellite-based indices to assess vegetation casualty on Grand Bahama Island one year post-hurricane Dorian. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 101044.

   Askins, R. A., M. E. Akresh, W. K. Hayes, H. Winkler, and D. A. Christie 2020. West Indian Woodpecker (Melanerpes superciliaris), version 2.0. In Birds of the World (T. S. Schulenberg and B. K. Keeney, Eds.). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.

   Akresh, M. E., R. A. Askins, D. I. King, F. E. Hayes, P. E. Barry, and W. K. Hayes. 2020. Resilience in the aftermath of hurricanes: Fluctuations in a critically endangered population of West Indian Woodpeckers (Melanerpes superciliaris nyeanus) over two decades. Bird Conservation International doi:10.1017/S0959270920000386.

   Birdlife International (Contributors: Hayes, W. K., S. Johnson, D. S. Lee, J. Lloyd, A. Symes, J. Taylor., G. Wallace, and B. Watson). 2020. Setophaga flavescens. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020:e.T22724802A153768531.

   Price, M. R., and W. K. Hayes. 2017. Diverse habitat use during two life stages of the critically endangered Bahama Oriole (Icterus northropi): Community structure, foraging, and social interactions. PeerJ 5:e3500; DOI 10.7717/peerj.3500.

   Price, M. R., C. Person, and W. K. Hayes. 2015. Geographic variation and genetic structure in the Bahama Oriole (Icterus northropi), a critically endangered synanthropic species. PeerJ 3:e1421; DOI 10.7717/peerj.1421.

   Price, M. R., V. A. Lee, and W. K. Hayes. 2011. Population status, habitat dependence, and reproductive ecology of the Bahama Oriole (Icterus northropi): a critically endangered synanthropic species. Journal of Field Ornithology 82:366–378. [Recipient of JFO Student Paper of the Year Award]

   Hayes, W. K., E. D. Bracey, M. R. Price, V. Robinette, E. Gren, and C. Stahala. 2010. Population status of the Chuck-will’s-widow (Caprimulgus carolinensis) in the Bahamas. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122:381–384.

   McKay, B. D., M. B. J. Reynolds, W. K. Hayes, and D. S. Lee. 2010. Evidence supporting the species status of the Bahama Yellow-throated Warbler (Dendroica “dominica” flavescens). Auk 127:932–939.

   Reynolds, M. B. J., W. K. Hayes, and J. W. Wiley. 2010. Geographic variation in the flight call of the Cuban Parrot (Amazona leucocephala) and its taxonomic significance. Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 23:4–18.

   Price, M. R., and W. K. Hayes. 2009. Conservation taxonomy of the Greater Antillean Oriole (Icterus dominicensis): diagnosable plumage variation among allopatric populations. Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 22:19–25.

   Reynolds, M. B. J., and W. K. Hayes. 2009. Conservation taxonomy of the Cuban Parrot (Amazona leucocephala): variation in morphology and plumage. Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 22:1–18.

   Utt, A. C., N. C. Harvey, W. K. Hayes, and R. L. Carter. 2008. The effects of rearing methods on social behaviors of mentored captive‑reared juvenile California Condors. Zoo Biology 27:1–8.

   Hayes, F. E., and W. K. Hayes. 2007. The great Ivory‑billed Woodpecker debate. Birding 39:36–41.

   Hayes, W. K. 2006. The urgent need for conservation taxonomy in the Bahamas: new bird species as an example. Bahamas Naturalist and Journal of Science 1:12–24.

   Trimm, N. A., Jr., and W. K. Hayes. 2005. Distribution of nesting Audubon’s Shearwaters (Puffinus lherminieri) on San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Pp. 137–145 in: T. McGrath and S. Buckner (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on the Natural History of the Bahamas. Gerace Research Centre, San Salvador Island, Bahamas.

   Hayes, W. K., and A. W. White. 2005. A record of Cuban/Caribbean Martin (Progne cryptoleuca/dominicensis) for the Bahamas. North American Birds 59:672–673.

   Hayes, W. K., R. X. Barry, Z. McKenzie, and P. Barry. 2004. Grand Bahama’s Brown‑headed Nuthatch: a distinct and endangered species. Bahamas Journal of Science 12(1):21–28.

   Hayes, W. K. 2003. Can San Salvador’s iguanas and seabirds be saved? Bahamas Journal of Science 11:2–8.

   Hayes, F. E., W. K. Hayes, and T. O. Garnett. 1998. Rediscovery of the Gray-throated Leaftosser (Sclerurus albigularis) on Tobago, West Indies. Caribbean Journal of Science 34(1–2):166–168.

   Hayes, W. K. 1994. A map to accompany Carter’s Finding Birds in South Carolina. Winging It 6(11):9.

   Hayes, W. K. 1991. Book Review: Wyoming Birds. Birding 23:170–171

   Hayes, F. E. and W. K. Hayes. 1989. Hawk migrations in Beltsville, Maryland. Maryland Birdlife 45:9–11.

   Hayes, F. E. and W. K. Hayes. 1983. Differential selection of carotenoid pigments in a leucistic Northern Flicker. Maryland Birdlife 39:89–90.

   Hayes, F. E. and W. K. Hayes. 1983. First Willet in the Maryland piedmont. Maryland Birdlife 39:97.


   Hayes, W. K. 2016. Christians and environmental stewardship: Creation care or crying wolf? Adventist Review 193(1):45–53. [Recipient of Award of Excellence, The Associated Church Press, “Best of the Christian Press” Awards 2016, Category “Reporting and Writing: Personally Useful Article”]

   Hayes, F. E., and W. K. Hayes. 2014. Seventh-day Adventist faith and environmental stewardship. Pp. 141–160 (plus appendices) in H. T. Goodwin (Ed.), Biology: A Seventh-day Adventist Approach for Students and Teachers. Andrews University Press, Berrien Springs, Michigan.

   Hayes, W. K., and F. E. Hayes. 2013. What is the relationship between human activity and species extinctions? Pp. 253–262 in S. G. Dunbar, L. J. Gibson, and H. M. Rasi (Eds.), Entrusted: Adventists and Environmental Care. Adventus—International University Publishers, Mexico.

   Hayes, F. E., and W. K. Hayes. 2013. What do Adventists have to say to the world about environmental stewardship? Pp. 183–197 in S. G. Dunbar, L. J. Gibson, and H. M. Rasi (Eds.), Entrusted: Adventists and Environmental Care. Adventus—International University Publishers, Mexico.

   Marlow, H. J., W. K. Hayes, S. Soret, R. L. Carter, E. R. Schwab, and J. Sabate. 2009. Diet and the environment: does it matter? American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 89:1699S–1703S.

   Carter, R. L., W. K. Hayes, V. Voegeli, and S. Voegeli. 2005. Celebrating Biodiversity 2002 – Conservation education: a responsibility of higher education. Pp. 12–17 in: T. McGrath and S. Buckner (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on the Natural History of the Bahamas. Gerace Research Centre, San Salvador Island, Bahamas.


   Hyatt, E. C., W. K. Hayes, and S. G. Dunbar. 2023. Ecophenotypic variation or genetic differentiation? Ambiguity of morphological and molecular relationships presents uncertainty in host-specific plasticity of Chelonibia barnacles. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 292, 108470.

   Siviero, B. C. T., E. Rega, W. K. Hayes, A. M. Cooper, L. R. Brand, and A. V. Chadwick. 2020. Skeletal trauma with implications for intratail mobility in Edmontosaurus annectens from a monodominant bonebed, Lance Formation (Maastrichtian), Wyoming USA. PALAIOS 35:201–2014.

   Magrann, T., M. D. Howard, M. Sutula, D. S. Boskovic, W. K. Hayes, and S. G. Dunbar. 2015. Screening assessment of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in Southern California lentic habitats. Environmental Management and Sustainable Development 4:91-111.

   Berube, M. D., S. G. Dunbar, K. Rützler, and W. K. Hayes. 2012. Home range and foraging ecology of juvenile Hawksbill Sea Turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) on inshore reefs of Honduras. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 11:33–43.

   Magrann, T., S. G. Dunbar, D. S. Boskovic, and W. K. Hayes. 2012. Impacts of Microcystis on algal biodiversity and use of new technology to remove Microcystis and dissolved nutrients. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management 17:231–239.